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If you are in need of support you can get in touch with LGBT Youth Scotland or any of these organisations:


  • LGBT Helpline Scotland - Information and emotional support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families, friends and supporters across Scotland.  Open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 12pm to 9pm.  0300 123 2523 


  • LGBT+ Switchboard Providing free and confidential support and information to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities throughout the UK Every day 10am-11pm 0300 330 0630


  • Aye Mind providing digital resources and signposting towards mental health services or tools. A great place to find other helpful websites.


  • Breathing Space Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety Mon-Thurs 6pm-2am, Fri 6pm - Mon 6am on 0800 83 85 87. 


  • The Mix formerly known as Get Connected offers free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don't know where to turn open from 11am- 11pm everyday. Call FREE on 0808 808 4994


  • Samaritans provide a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them.  Available 24 hours. Email or call 116 123. This number can be called for FREE from a payphone or from a mobile phone which has no calling credit. 

Useful numbers


 LGBT Youth Scotland is the largest community-based organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. The charity's mission is to:

“empower lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people and the wider LGBT community so that they are embraced as full members of the Scottish family at home, school and in every community.”
All young people should be able to access advice and support that helps them make informed decisions regarding their lives.
Many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or Queer young people can find it difficult to find accurate and non-biased information regarding their sexual orientation or gender identity that's where LGBT Youth comes into it, its a network of support whether you are looking for advice - there is a lot of info on their website, or looking to get involved - there are activities and groups you can join and meet new friends in a safe welcoming environment.
Contact LGBT Youth by clicking on there logo, it will direct you to their fantastic resourceful webpage or ...
Call or text 07786202370 whether it be just to talk, or for further information.

What is LGBTQ Youth?

Parents and carers

If your son, daughter, or any other younger family member has recently come out as L, G, B or T you might be wondering how best to support them or you might be looking for some support yourself.  


If you are looking for support or advice, then we would recommend that you speak with our partner, Parents Enquiry Scotland on 0131 556 6047

LGBT Youth Scotland primarily support young people, however in the course of doing this, we may be able to meet with you and the child or young person you care for together. If you are interested in talking to someone about this, please email LGBT Youth and someone will get in touch with you directly.


TYG: Trans* Youth Glasgow - Every Monday night 7 - 9pm

TYG is a group for young people aged 13 - 25 who identify as transgender..

The group aims to support and empower young people as they take part in workshops on transgender issues



shhOUT 13-18 Youth Group - Every Tuesday night 7 - 9pm

Shout works with young people under the age of 18 who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. The group brings young people together and provides opportunity to take part in workshops


StandOUT 18-25 Youth Group - Every Wednesday night 7 - 9pm

StandOut works with young people aged 18-25 who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender



Chatterbox Mental Health Drop-In Service - every Thursday night 7 - 9pm

Chatterbox is a friendly drop in which gives young people aged 13-25 to pop into the service without appointments and access information and support


Counselling Service 

Free Confidential Counselling Service which is available weekly on the following dates/times:

  • Wednesday afternoons

  • Thursday evenings 


If you need any more info about any of the above, if you know someone who would be intrested in attending please don't hesitate to get in touch with LGBT youth who will be happy to help.

What's on at LGBT Youth?

Don't tolerate homophobia, your words/actions effect people life's. Stand up, speak out.

Watch the video below and see how different it could be ....

Shh! Silence Helps Homophobia - LGBT Youth Scotland              

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